Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bookmark using crochet flower - 2

Materials needed
Wool, shine thread and crochet hook
Cross stitch canvas Embroidery floss and tapestry needle
Cardboard piece
How to Step 1:
Make a crochet flower motif as given in the post instructions
Step 2: Cut the required length of cross-stitch canvas
Step 3: Cross stitch a simple design on the canvas, leaving a 1/2 inch border. You can stitch a border also.
Step 4: Stick the the canvas piece on a cardboard piece, folding the boarder towards the backside of the cardboard. Stick another cardboard piece at the back.

For my bookmark, I have left the ending of the crochet as such after fastening behind. It adds as a decoration.
The design can represent the person who is going to use the book mark. This way you can create a very personalised gifts.

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